THE LAST FIVE YEARS The Last Five Years, Jason Robert Brown’s exquisite musical two-hander, showcases UCLA talent to stunning effect as part of Pacific Resident Theatre’s Sunday Concert Series in the company’s newly inaugurated intimate cabaret space. The almost entirely sung-through tale of a 20something couple whose marriage fails to withstand the pressures of his rise to literary stardom and her failure to achieve success as an actress, The Last Five Years Read More
By Philip Brandes Jan 18, 2019 | 3:30 PM Review: In 'Like father, like son: A brilliant scientist (Zachary Grant) shares the thrill of discovery with his inventor father (Michael Mantell). (Jeff Lorch) “Smart Love” at Pacific Resident Theatre appears destined to be a garden-variety dysfunctional family portrait, but then Brian Letscher’s new comedy unexpectedly pivots into a quirky take on romantic possibilities in a brave new world of technology. Like so many working-class Read More
January 17, 2019 Elaine Mura Entertainment Melissa Weber Bales and Scott Conte in SMART LOVE - Photo by Jeff Lorch Technology has crept into almost every corner of life these days, so why not into the most secret of spots, the human heart? Playwright Brian Letscher asks that question, and comes up with some fascinating answers. SMART LOVE is a contemporary twist on what makes a human human – and can an Read More
Review: Corinne Shor explores identity with style in solo piece 'I am Sophie' By F. Kathleen Foley Nov 18, 2018 | 1:10 PM Pacific Resident Theatre. (Marlow Everly / Pacific Resident Theatre) An ebullient woman bounds onstage, chattering in French so voluble it makes one want to go back in time to those high school foreign language lessons and pay more attention. This is Sophie (Corinne Shor), who has a French accent so thick you Read More
“I Am Sophie”: Examining the Meaning of Identity Posted by Frances Baum Nicholson on September 1, 2018 Corinne Shor – playwright and performer of “I am Sophie,” presented by LA Vie Theatre [photo: Marlow Everly} The entire idea of identity is one which has come increasingly to the forefront of modern conversation. What makes someone who they are? What if what they see in the mirror isn’t who they feel they are inside? Read More
La Vie Theatre Presents “I am Sophie” “I am Sophie” written and performed by Corinne Show, directed by Susan Angelo runs through September 2. Running August 17 through September 2, Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm & Sunday September 2 at 5pm, August 31 & September 1 at 4pm & 8pm “I Am Sophie” is a one women play about one woman who becomes another. But it’s a little bit more beautifully complicated Read More
I am Sophie. Reviewed by Julia Stier RECOMMENDED “I like me so much better in French,” declares a wide-eyed, charismatic Sophie (Corrine Shor), her thick French accent lilting and flirtatious. Sophie, who has returned home from Paris to care for her ailing father in Minneapolis, is seeing her family for the first time since moving to France. And they’re not taking it well. Because, well, Sophie was born Kate – plain-Jane, American Read More
Review: I AM SOPHIE by Corinne Shor Takes Audiences on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Re-Invention by Shari Barrett Aug. 21, 2018 Have you ever wondered what it might be like to re-invent yourself and completely start over as someone else? Perhaps, like me, you spent a lot of time in another country, speaking another language and watching yourself become more like the citizens who live there, totally comfortable in Read More
Baby Doll @ Pacific Resident Theatre Red hot forbidden love and mind games in the delta of Venice. Baby Doll @ Pacific Resident Theater
In the first act of “Baby Doll”, we meet Archie Lee, an older hapless cotton-gin owner drilling a peephole to ogle his sleeping bride-to-be, nineteen-year-old Baby Doll. Archie obsessively fawns over an exasperated Baby Doll throughout the play waiting to consummate a deal he made with her Read MoreOrson and Alley Mills Bean keep the audience laughing for 80 minutes in “Alright Then” By Reta Moser It was a delight! It is a must see for Venetians. I am talking about the Beans’ and their latest hit “Alright Then” at the the Pacific Resident Theatre on Venice Blvd. Show just opened. After the fast 80 minutes, I thought these two are one of the reasons I live in and love Venice. Read More